Semester 1, 2023-2024
Type of courseMethodological and Practical Courses
DateNovember 9 and November 10, 2023
2 days
Maximum number of participants15
ECTS0.5 EC will be appointed for participation in the complete course
StaffAnne-Kathrin Kleine (LMU Munich)
Content, learning goals, preparation
In this beginner-friendly workshop you will learn the basics of R programming and Quart, along with practical tips on creating reproducible data analysis scripts. You will gain knowledge and skills for organizing and publishing your code and materials to ensure reproducibility and adherence to open science principles. I will guide you through the process of creating, documenting, and sharing your data analysis scripts using the powerful combination of R and Quarto. We will use an example dataset for the course, but you are free to bring your own dataset to directly apply the skills you learn in the course.
Preliminary schedule
Day 1
9.00-9.30: Introduction
- Welcome and overview of the workshop
- Importance of code and material organization in data analysis
- Reproducibility and open science in the context of data analysis
- Brief overview of R and Quarto
9.30-10.30: Getting Started with R
- Basics of R programming
- Working with data in R: importing, manipulating, and exporting data
- Basics of data visualization and data analysis in R
11.00-12.00: Introduction to Quarto
- Creating your own Quarto document
- Integrating code, text, and output within a Quarto document
12.15-13.00: Code and Material Organization
- Best practices for organizing your code and materials
- File and folder structure
Day 2
09.00-10.00: Publishing Reproducible Data Analysis Scripts
- Sharing your scripts and data with others
- Publishing your work using platforms like GitHub, RPubs; integration with osf
10.15-11.00: Hands-on Practice PART I
- Guided exercise: Complete a data analysis project using R and Quarto
- Independent practice: Working on your own data analysis project with support from workshop facilitator
11.30-12.15: Hands-on Practice PART II
12.00-13.00: Closing Remarks and Resources
- Recap of the workshop
- Additional resources for learning R, Quarto, reproducibility best practices, version control and collaboration
- Q&A session
Requirements for participating:
- A laptop with R, RStudio, and Git installed (please follow the instructions until point 4 here:
- Basic knowledge of programming in R is helpful but not required