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PhD Colloquium


Semester 2, 2023-2024

Type of course

Methodological and Practical Courses


June 11, 2024


Utrecht University


1 day

Maximum number of participants



0.5 EC will be appointed for participation in the complete course


Organizers: Saara Taavila (UvA), Anna Bosshard (Uva), Mandy Muller (UU) + speakers

Environmental crises like climate change and biodiversity loss threaten the livability of our planet. An economic model that emphasizes profit over social justice is at the root of these crises. In addition, the people having contributed to climate change and biodiversity loss the least are hit hardest by the environmental impacts. In this way, environmental crises further exacerbate existing social inequalities.

Social change towards sustainability must, therefore, address inequalities as well as (neo)colonial and oppressive structures. In this colloquium, we will bring together KLI scholars working on various social issues to address the central question: how can we harness social psychology to promote a just future within planetary boundaries?

The colloquium will take place at Utrecht University on June 11th 2024 (2 pm - 5 pm, followed by drinks). There will be three presentations by PhD candidates followed by a panel discussion. Isabel Pacheco (University of Groningen) will present a framework of how individuals can contribute to systemic change towards a circular economy, Sarwesh Ishwardat (Utrecht University) will present an experimental study on promoting environmental compliance and ethical behavior among financial decision-makers, and Vukašin Gligorić (University of Amsterdam) will present a large-scale survey of national stereotypes in non-Western countries and their macroeconomic correlates. 

The event is free of charge. KLI members can get 0.5 ECTS for their participation.

You can find the full abstracts here: file:///C:/Users/4107232/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/INetCache/Content.Outlook/L97JA1B0/KLI%20Colloquium%20abstracts%20(002).pdf